Adywans Star Wars Purist Edition Hotel

Jan 23, 2017 - In the vein of Move Along's Story of Star Wars edit, KingSpyder uses three different video sources of the first BSG movie (1978), including David Kerin's reworking, along with the Lorne Greene narration from the album. – link; Beatles Anthology, The – 14m. Edit title: Carry That Weight Author: njvc – Release.
ANH.Revisited or Purist??? - Original Trilogy • • • • • • • • ANH.Revisited or Purist???
Author Date 30-Sep-2010 Replies 140 • • • • • • • Author Time 30-Sep-2010 7:07 PM I was wondering if anyone else finds themselves as I do, caught squarely between Adywan's revisited and purist versions of ANH. If what I've heard is true, much of what gets removed in the Purist version was stuff I liked. The Matrix Spybreak Mp3 Download on this page. The only 2 things I didn't like were the Ben and Vader music that was added in, and the emperors theme that was added in.beyond that, I think Adywan's changes were excellent, including the imperial march and the new Ben's hut edit.
I am curious to see how many people are stuck in the middle as I am. • • Author Time 30-Sep-2010 7:09 PM i would have preferred the instrumental version of Battle of the Heroes withought the choir, the choir is what killed it IMHO • • John Williams score to Return of the Jedi Remastered/Remixed: Author Time 30-Sep-2010 7:33 PM Maybe someone could (with Ady's permission) create a branching version where you could pick the scenes you want from all his versions (surely a blu-ray would have the space?). • • Author Time 30-Sep-2010 7:53 PM Bingowings said: Maybe someone could (with Ady's permission) create a branching version where you could pick the scenes you want from all his versions (surely a blu-ray would have the space?).
Now THAT would be awesome.but unlikely. • • Author Time 30-Sep-2010 10:06 PM I prefer ANH:R. • • / / Author Time 30-Sep-2010 10:11 PM I just don't like the Prequel music. Otherwise it's nice to have an alternate SW experience. WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day. 'George didn't think there was any future in dead Han toys.'
-Harrison Ford My review blog: Author Time 30-Sep-2010 10:41 PM Adywan.if you're reading this.would you be at all willing to do an edit halfway between Revisited and Purist if enough people expressed interest? • • Author Time 30-Sep-2010 11:10 PM — I don't remember for sure but I feel like something similar was asked before and the answer was no. • • / / Author Time 1-Oct-2010 12:24 AM TV's Frink said: I don't remember for sure but I feel like something similar was asked before and the answer was no. Well maybe if enough of us got together and asked. • • Author Time 1-Oct-2010 3:36 AM I had to go purist because of some of the music choices. I did not like the Ep3 music during the Obi-Wan - Vader fight, it's a bit too 'epic', especially when C-3PO and R2 starts chatting with that music in the background.
Also I didn't like the imperial march during the space battle, but I could have lived with that one. I didn't mind the big Tie fighter reveal per se, but the music was a bit much. • • Author Time 1-Oct-2010 4:10 AM — I feel the same way about the duel music.its just too much for ANH, and it overpowers whats going on.honestly its the one and only fly in the ointment for me on this one. The emperors theme I find doesn't quite fit, but I'd probably not say much if it was my biggest complaint, and oddly enough I have zero problem with the new TIE reveal and imperial march. Aside from that, the only other thing wouldn't be something he did, but something he DIDN'T do.and thats remove the horrible CG establishing shot of Mos Eisley with the scurriers.always hated that shot. But in all honesty, the only one that really sticks in my craw is the duel music, and it seems like Luke's yell of 'NOOO' comes a little too late, but that could just be because I'm not used to the new pacing. I find it so unfortunate because apart from that one piece of music, Adywan's version would be, for me, the perfect retooling of ANH that I had always had in my head.
I mean if I just flat out hated it, then that would be that.but I actually love it, except for that one detail. If I went purist then I'd lose some of the stuff that I really love about his new edit (ie: the re-arrangement of the Ben's hut sequence, which IMHO is what is should have been all along) • • Author Time 1-Oct-2010 7:15 AM Combine them. We're talking super easy stuff here.
Or ask someone else to do it with Ady's permission. A Music Purist edition with the other changes intact. You already have a following. My point is Ady doesn't have to make another 'official' version when we're talking about taking the audio from one version and sticking it on another.
• • “005 is super hep” - dahmage Star Wars Revisited / / Author Time 1-Oct-2010 7:44 AM muddyknees2000 said: TV's Frink said: I don't remember for sure but I feel like something similar was asked before and the answer was no. Well maybe if enough of us got together and asked. Lol, I don't think ady is the type to bow to peer pressure.