Crane Runway Beam Design Software

Geometry, material, cross-section, action and imperfection data is entered in clearly arranged input windows: Geometry • Quick and comfortable data input • Definition of support conditions based on various support types (hinged, hinged movable, rigid, and user-defined as well as lateral on upper or bottom flange). • Optional selection of warping restraint • Variable arrangement of rigid and deformable support stiffeners • Possibility to insert releases CRANEWAY Cross-Sections • I-shaped rolled cross-sections (I, IPE, IPEa, IPEo, IPEv, HE-B, HE-A, HE-AA, HL, HE-M, HE, HD, HP, IPB-S, IPB-SB, W, UB, UC, and other cross-sections according to AISC, ARBED, British Steel, Gost, TU, JIS, YB, GB, and others) combinable with section stiffener on the upper flange (angles or channels) as well as rail (SA, SF) or splice with user-defined dimensions. Jennifer Lopez Get Right Download Zippy there. Torrent Dance Music Production. • Unsymmetrical I-sections (type IU) also combinable with stiffeners on the upper flange as well as with rail or splice.
Crane beam design has always been a challenge. Most of the crane runway beam programs are old proprietary software that would only be suitable for the design of some. With the crane runway software, you. 2, CRANE BEAM DESIGN. 3, An Educational Tool to aid in Crane Runway Beam Design in accordance with AISC 9th Edition ASD and AISC 3rd Edition LRFD. 4, (Ref: AISC Steel Design Guide Series - Design Guide 7 'Industrial Buildings'). 6, Project Name: AISC Design Guide 7. 7, Project Description: Example 18.1.2.
Actions It is possible to consider actions of up to three simultaneously operated cranes. During the calculation, crane loads are generated in predefined distances as load cases of crane runway. The load increment for cranes moving across the crane runway can be set individually. The program analyzes all combinations of the respective limit states (ULS, fatigue, deformation, and support forces) for each crane position. In addition, there are comprehensive setting options for specification of the FE calculation such as length of finite elements or break-off criteria. The internal forces of a crane runway girder are calculated on an imperfect structural model according to the second-order analysis for torsional buckling.
All results are arranged in result windows sorted by different topics. The design values are illustrated in the corresponding cross-section graphic. Design details cover all intermediate values. General Stress Analysis CRANEWAY performs the general stress analysis of a crane girder by calculating the existing stresses and comparing them with the limit normal, shear and equivalent stresses.
Welds are also subjected to the general stress analysis with regard to parallel and vertical shear stresses and their superposition. Fatigue Design Fatigue design is performed for up to three cranes operating at the same time, based on the nominal stress concept according to EN 1993-1-9. In the case of the fatigue design according to DIN 4132, a stress curve of crane passages is recorded for each stress point and evaluated according to the Rainflow method. Buckling Analysis Buckling analysis considers the local introduction of wheel loads according to the standard EN 1993-6 or DIN 18800-3. Deformation Analysis Deformation analysis is performed separately for the vertical and horizontal direction by comparing the designed displacements with the allowable values. You can individually specify the allowable deformation ratios in the calculation parameters.
Lateral-Torsional Buckling Analysis The torsional-flexural buckling analysis is performed in accordance with the second-order analysis for torsional buckling considering imperfections. The general stress analysis has to be fulfilled with the critical load factor smaller than 1.00. As a result, CRANEWAY displays the corresponding critical load factor for all load combinations of the stress analysis. Support Forces The program determines all support forces on the basis of the characteristic loads including dynamic factors.