Efm32 Usb Cdc Serial Port
This article provides instructions on how to download the latest driver of your EFM32 USB CDC Serial Port (COM10) driver adapter. NOTE: Make sure your computer has an active Internet connection. If your computer is plugged into the router and cannot get online, disconnect it from your router and plug it directly into your. A list of FreeRTOS demo applications and FreeRTOS port to lots of different microcontrollers Efm32 usb cdc serial port. FreeRTOS is a small footprint RTOS for.
I've had to put this project on hold the last few months due to work. In the meantime, I've had some time to consider where I want this project to go. The Freescale KL27Z no longer seems like a good option.
It sounds like FRDM-KL43Z support in mbed is stuck in limbo. I have no definite plans for producing TBD, so it wouldn't be eligible to be an online toolchain platform.
I need mbed to have an existing platform compatible with the KL27Z in the online IDE, and I was hoping that the FRDM-KL43Z would be it. To make matters worse, I found that Linux has the same access control restrictions on USB HID devices as other classes, so the convenience advantage of HID on Windows doesn't extend to Linux. And so the current TBD hardware is dead. But TBD is not. • at 14:43 •. I nearly burnt the first v0.2 as I didn't have the thermocouple placed correctly. The LED did cook, but I have a long strip of them so no big deal.
So far it works, the ROM bootloader enumerating under Linux with no problems. LED and pins will need to be exercised.
There are already a couple of problems I plan to fix in the next iteration. Most obvious is the silk text for the pin labels is too small to print properly, and would be illegibly small even if it did. It would be helpful if there was a silk placement marker for the plastic shim like v0.1. On the stencil, I should have made the test pad cream-less, and possibly use a smaller footprint. I should also make separate stencils for the two USB variants otherwise I have to clean paste from the micro USB footprint. I realized that I mistook I2C1_SCL as being the alt function for the boot pin and placed it next to GND so I can put a 2 pin jumper on to force ROM boot. I2C1_SDA is the correct pin, and I will swap the two in v0.3.
Finally, the header on the next version will use the header footprint with locating pegs as centering it by hand is a pain. Pics in the gallery. Durable Software Dura Print Software 1470 more. Edit: The LED blinkens and the KSDK USB-CDC demo works great. The changes I want to make for v0.3 are minor, but before I commit to more PCBs and stencils I want to test out I2C, SPI, and UART, and try building up another board with the microUSB header. • at 19:12 •. The PCBs for v0.2 should be waiting for me on my doorstep when I get home tonight. The components and stencil arrived last week, so tonight I'll be baking boards.
I'm so excited that I spent my lunch break pricing larger volume builds for fun. For a build of 100 I can get the price to ~$4/board in components and PCB. Assembly time/cost, QA, shipping, solder paste, and NRE aren't included, so finished boards would be significantly more. Progress on the browser based programmer is slow.
I scrapped my Firefox + FireBreath proof-of-concept after finding out that the NPAPI standard the FireBreath based plugin relies on is deprecated due to security risk. Akina Nakamori Fushigi Rarity. Now I'm trying to find my way around developing a Chrome app, which has the advantage of being driverless and plugin-less on all platforms. 1977 Dodge Motorhome Manuals.
Nothing to show for it now, and certainly not while I've got boards to build. • at 21:23 •. I spent some quality time in KiCAD finishing TBD v0.2 over the last couple of weeks. I ordered boards, stencils, and parts which should take a couple of weeks to trickle in. Files in the Github link to the left. Here are the deltas from v0.1: • Surface mount 2x4 header mounted on the backside to reduce overall length • Rethought pinout brings out 6 pins that can be muxed between I2C, SPI, FlexIO (general purpose serial engine), and ADC • Option to use a micro USB jack instead of the USB-A board edge.