How To Install Cccam On Blackhole Image


For transferring the CCcam.cfg file into your VU+ SOLO or DUO, you need to use a FTP client. We suggest DCC! Note: to download and see the tutorial of Dreambox Control Center.

BlackHole - How to install softcams Currently BlackHole do not provide softcams in their addons feeds. Black Hole Image Support Blackhole 3.0.3 with cccam install. Which STB 1: VUPlus Solo4k; Which STB 2: DM900 UHD; Which STB 3: Edision OS Mega; Which STB 4: Dinobot 4K; Image In Use: OpenViX. Jun 26th 2015 #2. This image uses the same softcams as Black Hole. FTP ipk to /tmp folder >green button >yellow button >manually install ipk packages. Dec 13, 2014 Vu+ Zero with Blackhole image Ivo Abreu. Enigma2 Black Hole 2.x.x. Cccam.cfg how to HDTV Linux Enigma 2 VU+ solo VU+ ZERO kompatibel free.

Now, you just need to transfer the CCcam.cfg file into the /var/etc/ folder. Note: If you already have a CCcam.cfg file in that location, simply right click the file and click edit to put your C-lines in it and save the file. You can obtain the CCcam.cfg file from your service provider. Note: If you have your C-lines, to see how you can create the CCcam.cfg file yourself! Reboot your box and your CCcam Service will start working.

Hi there, I am new and need your help to walk me through the process step by step. I have a Vu+ Duo and just downloaded the black hole image 1.7. Artcam Pro 2012 Full Cracked. 8 Light (No HbbTv). I need to setup the CCcam but no sucess yet. Could anyone please explain to me what other bits I need and how to install them to get my Cccam.config running again. Also any tips will help as I do not know much about this stuff many thanks Cheers *********************************** look here at post 2 http://www. Trx 12 Week Program Pdf.

What is sea lion details and how to add them? Where to install Tspanel to? I only added 3 type of Cccam2.3.0, 2.2.1, and 2.14. I could find them and activate erach one by pressing the blue button.

How To Install Cccam On Dm 500

I added ccam.config as it is when I used it with previous team official image. So smeting missing? Do I need to put VTI feed file opkg folder as I did with previous image?

I got feed up this morning with this and tried VTI image and it worked but I still want to try blackhole image as I find the quality of the picture a lot better. I know you may be bored with this but pz remember any detailed explanation will be much appreciated than just refering me to another treat. Please also give me the link to any files I need to add. Much appreciated.

I can see the cccam 2.2.0, or 2.1.4 and I can activate and checked all of them but yet won't work. Do I need other files to add to the image in order to work with cccam.config to work. I used my previous cccam.config file that was working with VTI image. Should not I need to add VTfeed file to opkg folder? Is there any bits that I need to add? I did not unzip the cccam 2.2.0 and others when I added them to temp file. I could see them and it showes activited after pressing the blue button.

Do I need to change the configuration of my cccamconfig with lignes? Please list all the bits of the process and any links to the files needed.

How To Install Cccam On Blackhole Image
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