Hoyt Bow Serial Number Search

I had a couple to a few questions. A) Do you make recurve parts like the base and limbs that are suited for being waterproof? This could be a next step you take if you have not done so. Then again I'm just stating fellow.
The numbers on my cam are HF-RT. The numbers on my mods are H-6TR-HL. I don't see any other numbers on the bow. Kannada Nudi Software Free Downloads. Thanks for any help. From: Jerry Leblanc. Call Hoyt and give them the bows serial number and they can tell you the year. The serial number is on the riser between. Most compound bow information is found along the serial number etching or sticker. For example, Martin Archery uses a code for the serial number that is similar to an auto vehicle identification number (VIN). Check a Bear bow (the name of the maker) for a series of different criteria to determine its age. Can anyone tell me how to find out what year my Hoyt Growler was manufactured? I've searched the web and several blogs and found nothing. I tried going to the Hoyt website and saw no 'contact us' icon. Please help if you can.The serial number is 0481018 and thanks in advance for you assistance. Here's a picture of it.
I am not sure that is why i am inquiring. I also wondered if you made grips and bows of the recurve for outdoor use that are suited for ambidextrous shooting? I always practiced this way and wish to inquire about a bow I really wish to obtain in the nearer future. So the questions I'm asking are if you make waterproof recurve bows for outdoor use that are ambidextrous? I would like to be able to splash about or something with a bow shooting at fish.
I thought this would be neat. Also do you make your recurves with a higher draw strength? Like 60-75 pounds? I think a lot of people like working up to that point. Slimcomputer Portable Download here. I'm no where near so. Just a new archer.
If you could reply back I would really appreciate it..
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