Marlin 39 Century Ltd Serial Number

I was given this rifle in 1973. It is new, never fired. In doing some research I found a picture of the rifle which had a brass plate on the stock saying '39 Century Ltd. 100 Marlin Years'. Mine does not have this plate. On the top of the barrel it is engraved ' Marlin 39 Century Ltd. Download Whatsapp Plus For Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini. ' I also have the Marlin 2 rifle Commerative Set brace of 1000.
Apr 1, 2014 - Late 1945 production resumed on limited basis using C prefix and leftover parts (some guns will have Pre-WWII Model 1936 parts mixed with Post WWII Model. This date code is different than the one already listed, as Marlin rimfire rifles (other than the model 39 series) did not have a serial numbers until. If I am not mistaken the Century 39 LTD was made in 1970,71 and a few (+- 500) in 72.I have one and the serial number indicates date of manufacture as 1971 (29xxx).If this info is wrong please feel free to correct me. I have a Marlin 39 Century Ltd rifle to commemorate the. I have a Marlin 39 Century Ltd rifle to commmemorate the 100th Anniversary. There is a serial number.
Oregon Trail Deluxe Free Download 64-bit. Models 336 and 39. They were originally purchased from a Marlin employee who said they were all serial # 75. Can anyone offer an opinion as to why my rifle is missing this plate and how it may effect the value.
Also, I have searched the serial number on the 39 Century Limited and can not find one. Any thoughts as to where it is located? Thanks for your help.
My 39 Century Limited has the brass plate on the right side of stock. I saw one with out the plate but close up you could see where the two small pins had been there.
The serial # is on the upper tang and is stamped with NO. That is NO meaning number and a space then the numbers of which mine is a four number gun.I was wondering about the ser#. Looks like Marlin gave them there own set of numbers.
So depending on how many made, the lowest number would have been made late 1969(preproduction) and some of the vary last could possibly have been made early 1971. Should say 1974. Correction on the final production date: They were cataloged up to the 1973 catalog so they could have been made up to early 1974.