Notre Dame De Paris Musical Soundtrack Download

Overture - Orchestra 2. The Age of the Cathedrals - Gringoire 3. The Refugees - Clopin & Chorus 4. Frollo's Intervention- Frollo & Phoebus 5. The Bohemian Song - Esmeralda 6. Esmeralda, You See - Clopin and Esmeralda 7. So Look No More For Love - Fleur-de-Lys & Phoebus 8.

The Feast of Fools - Gringoire & Chorus 9. The King of Fools - Quasimodo 10. The Sorceress - Frollo & Quasimodo 11.
Download Notre Dame de Paris The Musical torrent or any other torrent from Other Movies category. Audio Books & Poetry Community Audio Computers & Technology Music. Notre Dame De Paris. DOWNLOAD OPTIONS.
The Foundling - Quasimodo 12. The Doors of Paris - Gringoire 13. Kidnap Attempt - Phoebus & Esmeralda 14. The Court of the Miracles - Clopin, Chorus & Esmeralda 15. The Word Phoebus - Esmeralda & Gringoire 16. Shining Like the Sun - Esmeralda & Fleur-de-Lys 17.
Torn Apart - Phoebus 18. Anarchy - Frollo & Gringoire 19. Water, Please! - Chorus, Frollo & Quasimodo 20. - Quasimodo, Frollo & Phoebus 21. Home in the Sky - Quasimodo & Esmeralda 22.
Pagan Ave Maria- Esmeralda 23. If You Could See Inside Me - Quasimodo 24. Your Love Will Kill Me - Frollo 25.
The Shadow - Phoebus & Frollo 26. At Val d'Amour - Gringoire, Chorus & Phoebus 27. The Voluptary - Phoebus & Esmeralda 28. Destiny - Gringoire, Frollo, Quasimodo, Clopin & Fleur-de-Lys Act II 29. Talk to Me of Florence - Frollo & Gringoire 30. The Bells - Gringoire, Frollo, Quasimodo & Chorus 31.
Where Is She? - Frollo, Gringoire & Clopin 32. The Birds They Put In Cages - Esmeralda & Quasimodo 33. Castaway - Clopin & Chorus 34. The Trial - Frollo & Esmeralda 35. Torturer - Frollo & Esmeralda 36. I'm A Priest - Frollo 37.
Phoebus, If You Can Hear Me - Esmeralda 38. To Get Back To You - Phoebus 39. My Heart If You Will Swear - Fleur-de-Lys 40. Frollo's Visit to Esmeralda - Frollo & Esmeralda 41. On Bright Morning You Danced - Frollo & Esmeralda 42.
Free Today - Quasimodo, Clopin, Esmeralda, Gringoire & Chorus 43. Moon - Gringoire 44.
This Small Whistle I Leave You - Quasimodo & Esmeralda 45. God, You Made the World All Wrong - Quasimodo 46. Live For The One I Love - Esmeralda 47.
Attack of Notre-Dame - Clopin, Frollo, Phoebus, Esmeralda, Gringoire & Chorus 48. By Royal Law- Phoebus & Chorus 49. My Master, My Savior - Quasimodo & Frollo 50. Give Her to Me - Quasimodo 51. Dance My Esmeralda - Quasimodo 52. Dance My Esmeralda (reprise) - Orchestra 53.
The Age of the Cathedrals (reprise) - Gringoire & Ensemble The show [ ] Director staged the show in concert style, with the principal singers standing downstage center, with non-singing dancers upstage providing visual, but not dramatic, excitement. The orchestra and chorus were prerecorded; the principals wore very obvious boom microphones. Critical response in Great Britain [ ]. Dynamic Link Download Cs6 Windows.