Psychological Testing Tools For Children

Psychological Testing: Psychological Testing An objective and standardized measure of an individual's mental and/or behavioral characteristics. Health Professions Act, 56 of 1974 A psychological act with respect to assessment is defined as being “the use of measures to assess mental, cognitive, or behavioural processes and functioning, intellectual or cognitive ability or functioning, aptitude, interest, emotions, personality, psycho physiological functioning, or psychopathology (abnormal functioning). Psychological Assessment: Psychological Assessment A process that involves checking the integration of information from multiple sources, such as tests of normal and abnormal personality, tests of ability or intelligence, tests of interests or attitudes, as well as information from personal interviews. Aage Aage Chahat Chali Video Song Free Download. Collateral information is also collected about personal, occupational, or medical history, such as from records or from interviews with parents, spouses, teachers, or previous therapists or physicians. Involves a more comprehensive assessment of an individual. MMPI-2 Clinical Scales: MMPI-2 Clinical Scales Scale 1 - Hypochondriasis (Hs) Scale 2 - Depression (D) Scale 3 - Hysteria ( Hy ) Scale 4 - Psychopathic Deviate (Pd) Scale 5 - Mascul./ Femin.
(Mf) Scale 6 - Paranoia (Pa) Scale 7 - Psychasthenia (Pt) Scale 8 - Schizophrenia (Sc) Scale 9 - Mania (Ma) Scale 0 - Social Introversion (Si) Excessive body concern Pessimism, hopelessness Awareness of problems Disregard of social custom Traditional sex roles Suspiciousness, delusions Worry, anxiety, obsessive Bizarre thought/behavior Flight of ideas, overactivity Shyness, disinterest in others. Advantages of Objective Test: Advantages of Objective Test Objective tests of personality or self-report have had a central role in the development of clinical psychology. First of all, their economical. After only brief instructions, large groups can be tested simultaneously, or a single patient can completed inventory alone. Even computer scoring an interpretation of these tests are possible. Second, scoring and administration are relatively simple and objective. This in turn tends to make the interpretation easier and seems to require less interpret to skill of the part of the clinician.
A final attraction to self-report inventories, particularly for clinicians who are disenchanted with the problems inherent in projective tests, is their appearance objectivity and reliability. Disadvantages of Objective Tests: Disadvantages of Objective Tests For clinicians who tend to pay little attention to mediating variables such as motives or cognitions, this is a virtue rather than aid defect. Inventories often provide a single overall score, which may reflect various combinations of these behaviors, cognitions, and needs.
Therefore, to individuals were achieved the same score may actually be quite different, even in reference to the personality traits or construction in question. Thus, the same score on a measure may have several alternative interpretations. Python Example Serial Port on this page. Other difficulties involved a transparent meeting of some inventories questions, which can obviously facilitate faking on the part of some patients.
Some tests tend to develop heavily on the patience self-knowledge. In addition, the forced choice approach prevents individuals from qualifying or elaborating their responses to that some additional information may be lost or distorted the limited understanding or even the limited reading ability of some individuals may lead them to misinterpret question or to answer questions and a random fashion. Other common projective tests: Other common projective tests CAT – Children Apperception Test – ( Bellak, 1975) Word Association Test – Rapaport et al. (1946, 1968) – 60 words: neutral and traumatic – scored: popularity, RT, content, test-retest responses Sentence Completion – Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank – 40 sentences – evaluated on 7 point scale by “need for therapy” to “extremely good adjustment” House-Tree-Person Test (Buck, 1948) & Draw-A-Person ( Machover, 1949): Subject is asked to draw Scoring is on absolute size, relative size of elements, omissions 'If there is a tendency to over-interpret projective test data without sufficient empirical grounds, then projective drawing tests are among the worst offenders. Clare Furnace Serial Number. ' Kaplan & Saccuzo, Psychological Testing, 2001, p. The Use and Abuse of Testing: The Use and Abuse of Testing Testing is big business.