Static Ip Changer Programming
I have checked in Stack Overflow question. It works until Android 2.3.
However, there is no luck on a higher API level. If you try to use the solution for Android 5.x on 6.x your application will be denied doing this. To do this you proabably need to root your device and make the application the device owner. I've dug some into the problem and my findings is that code that used to work for Andrdoi 5.x might work if the application is set to be the device owner.
A good example of how this is done is using the example found here: Using adb shell and running the command: dpm set-device-owner Vmware Workstation 11 Download For Windows 7 32 Bit. deviceowner/.DeviceOwnerReceiver will make the application device owner and it is possible to set static IP.
Next, you'll want to set up your Pi to have a static IP address. This will allow you to log in to your Pi remotely from anywhere, regardless of whether it has been powered off since your last remote login. If you leave the Pi to receive its IP address dynamically from your home router, it's possible the IP address will change if the. The 4601 IP Telephone does not support static addressing. Use the following procedure to invoke manual address information programming. Start manual address programming by performing one of the following steps: During normal DHCP processing, press the * key while “* to program“ displays during the DHCP process. Click Static IP Address button. Your network will be analyzed. You can then click Make it Static to change your IP address to static. We take care of the rest.