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One of the most authentic anime mecha games ever made is finally here with easy access! A game based on the gigantic robot series (also known as Gigantor in the US), the PS2 version of Tetsujin #28 is developed by the team behind Robot Alchemical Drive, and features similar robot-battling gameplay against 28 different enemies. Robots are able to attack with chops, kick, jump, fly, pick up pieces of the environment (such as buildings) and hurl them at their enemies, as well, as use oversized weapons to cause more damage. Players control the gigantic machines via an old-fashioned remote control, displayed at the bottom of the screen. Stars many characters from the series, including #27, #28, Black Ox, Monster, Baccus, and Saturn. The game also features a challenge mode with two-player cooperative gameplay. Runs fine with ESR and burned to a disc.