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Hassaballa, It was not until recently that I learned the full story behind the annual festival that is Hanukkah, and the story fascinates me. I learned that its overarching theme was one of “traditional” vs. “progressive” Jews in ancient Palestine. I then got to thinking: Had I been alive at the time, would I have joined the Maccabee revolt? Probably yes, at least in spirit.
In fact, I most probably would have been a Jew. This stems from my deep devotion to Islam. I believe the message of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the very same message of Moses, although the particulars may be different. Ati Mobility Radeon X1600 Windows 7 Drivers Download there. Since Moses was a prophet of God, and his Law was sent by God for me to follow, I would have been bound to follow it. Therefore, I would have strenuously opposed the Greeks who believed that all the gods should be worshipped at the Jerusalem Temple.
Those gods, I believe, were inventions of man, and their presence defiled the Temple erected for the worship of the One True God of Abraham, just as the various deities of the Arabs defiled the Holy Temple in Mecca. I would have also stood against those Jews who, seeking to advance themselves in Hellenistic society, wanted to make nudity acceptable, wanted to burn the books of the Torah, made circumcision–the mark designated by God to be the symbol of His Covenant with Abraham and his descendants–a capital offense, and wanted to sacrifice a pig on the Temple altar. At that time, these actions would have seemed to me–just as for the other followers of the Maccabees–direct contraventions of the Law of Moses.
This is what the Law of Moses says: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God [is] one Lord. And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.” (Deuteronomy 5:4-5). And, further, the Law says: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” (Exodus 20:3). In the particulars, the Law forbade being naked, and it forbade the consuming of the flesh of swine.
So these actions by the Jewish “reformers” would have seemed to me an attempt not to not reinterpret the Law for modern times, but to discard it completely. So it seems obvious that in my constant struggle to be a devout servant of the God of Abraham, I would have been in the Maccabees’ camp–although I do not know if I personally could have taken up arms against my fellow Jews. These reflections should come as a surprise to no one: As a Muslim, I worship the God of Abraham, the very same God who was worshiped and honored in the Temple in Jerusalem. As a Muslim, I honor and revere the prophet Moses, Aaron, and all the other Hebrew prophets. Also, my holy scripture speaks with honor and reverence about King David and Solomon.