Voltcraft Vc 960 Software Applications


I got another toy to play with: A digital multimeter with RS232 interface and True RMS power measurement. Crack Leapfrog Mining Software. Sadly, it comes with Windows-only software, which I interpreted as a challenge! Since this is electrical measuring equipment, the serial communication should be electrically insulated from the device.

Samsung Evo 960 Software

Beck Mellow Gold Rar Chomikuj Darmowa. Clc Main Workbench Keygen Crack. The VC-940 uses a photodiode. Since the cable connecting the multimeter to the computer only contains an optical receiver, it is impossible for the computer to communicate with the meter.

This significally reduces the complexity of a protocol. This optical part showed to be the first problem. When I insert my RS-232 tester when running the Windows application, I could see data passing; under MacOSX no data would pass. Besides showing no data, the tester also indicated that the control lines were asserted differently. By asserting the control lines the same way under MacOSX, the problem was resolved. Apparently, the voltages on the control lines are used to power the optical receiver electronics.

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