Scherl And Roth Violin Serial Number


Buy Scherl and Roth R102 Series 4/4 Size Violin Outfit 4/4 Size: Acoustic Violins - ✓ FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. The value of a violin can be measured in money. Factors that influence the monetary value of a violin include age, play-ability (which is a complex topic), appearance, state-of-repair (or disrepair), and prestige of the violin-maker. Serial Numbers; Frequently Asked. Heinrich Roth was a seventh-generation violin maker who worked. Soon Scherl & Roth became one of the largest string shops in.

How can I tell/find out how old my Scherl & Roth Violin is? This violin was given to me as gift about six years ago.

Scherl And Roth Viola

The sticker inside says the Model, Serial No., maker, and size but it does not have a date? How do I find that out? R300E4, Serial 431697, Scherl & Roth, Genuine. How can I tell/find out how old my Scherl & Roth Violin is? This violin was given to me as gift about six years ago.

The sticker inside says the Model, Serial No., maker, and size but it does not have a date? How do I find that out? R300E4, Serial 431697, Scherl & Roth, Genuine Reproduction of Antonius Stradivarius, Adjusted in Elkhart, IN, USA, Aproduct of UMI, 4/4.

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