Swedish M96 Serial Numbers
Greetings All! A couple of weeks ago I happened to pick up a Swedish Mauser at an estate auction. It is a very nice 1898 dated rifle with the serial number of 379.
Markings on Swedish mauser rifles. Text Mats Persson. How to read the markings on the Swedish m/94 Carbine and on the m/96 and m/38 Rifles. Manufacturing The name of the manufacturer and the year of manufacture are on the top of the receiver. The serial number is on the left side of the receiver. Most other parts have the last three figures of. (M96/38) Swedish Mauser Short Rifle. With stamped matching serial numbers. Most Swedish mauser parts will be. M96/38 Swedish Short Rifle Serial.
Reggae Gold 1998 Rar. Doorhan Manual. The Swedish Mauser is a wonderful, classic rifle. These marvellous rifles are a must for any home arsenal or gun collection.
But how do you know that you are buying a good one? Well listen to me and you will do just fine. Every Swedish Mauser bears a marking disk. And this disk tells you about the condition of the barrel. You will see a small wedge with the numbers 1, 2 and 3.
If there's a small stamped arrow pointing to the number 1, then you know that your rifle has an excellent barrel. The number 2, means a good barrel while number 3 means a barrel in need of replacement. Sometimes you see a rifle and it does not have any arrow near the 1, 2 or 3. Ilife 09 Install Dvd Dmg Downloads. This means that your rifle has a zero barrel. A zero barrel means a brand new barrel and this means that you have a rifle fresh from an arsenal rebuild or a new rifle. We have a model 38 Swedish Mauser with a zero barrel marking and a model 96 with a 1 marking. So when you are at that gunshow, buy a Swedish Mauser with a zero or a 1 marking.